CampusOS @ Digital Technologies Days, Berlin | October 2024
During the „Tage der digitalen Technologien“, (Digital Technologies Days), the BMWK event on October 7 and 8 in Berlin, our experts presented project results on the topic of “Solution modules for 5G campus networks in SMEs”. In addition, various exhibits relating to the CampusOS #ecosystem were shown in the exhibition.
The aim of the CampusOS flagship project, funded by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK), is to support the development of an ecosystem for open and modular 5G campus networks and to open up application domains. This ecosystem is based on open radio technologies and interoperable network components and follows the Open RAN principle.
The project results help to ensure manufacturer independence, promote more competition and accelerate innovation. They also strengthen the digital sovereignty of companies in Germany and Europe. The project funding will run until Q1/2025.
A legal framework is currently being developed to enable ecosystem players to participate in results beyond the duration of CampusOS and thereby create a sustainable networking platform. To this end, the founding of the Alliance for Open 5G Enterprise Networks (5G-ALOE) is planned. The perpetuation concept was presented for the first time during the #TddT2024 event. You can find an announcement HERE.
We would like to thank our partners and speakers for their valuable contributions:
Prof. Slawomir Stanczak, Dr. Klaus Glasmacher, Erich Zielinski, Ansgar Bergmann, Prof. Rolf Winter, Dr. Frank Hofmann, Johannes Weicksel, Dr. Martin Kasparick, Stefan Richter, Reiner Stuhlfauth, Dr. Andreas Eisenblätter, Elena Kempf-Loeck, Tobias Pabst, & Dr. Julius Schulz-Zander.
Atesio GmbH, BISDN GmbH, Bosch, brown-iposs GmbH, Deutsche Telekom, EANTC AG, Fraunhofer FOKUS, GPS GmbH Stuttgart, highstreet technologies, Kubermatic , Node-H GmbH, MUGLER SE, RT Solutions, Rohde & Schwarz, Siemens, Smart Mobile Labs, STILL GmbH, SysEleven GmbH, Topcon Positioning Systems, Technische Universität Berlin, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) as well as our associated Partners: airpuls GmbH, CampusGenius, Keysight Technologies & MECSware.