Fraunhofer-Institut FOKUS, Berlin
Fraunhofer FOKUS conducts research on digital transformation and its impact on economics, technology, and our society. Since 1988, FOKUS has been supporting commercial enterprises and public administrations in the shaping and implementation of digital transformation. For this purpose, Fraunhofer FOKUS offers research services ranging from requirements analysis to consulting, feasibility studies, technology development right up to prototypes and pilots in the business segments Digital Public Services, Future Applications and Media, Quality Engineering, Smart Mobility, Software-based Networks, Networked Security, Visual Computing und Analytics.
Focusing on the evolution of 5G towards 6G and associated new technologies such as edge computing, non-terrestrial networks, OpenRAN and THz Radio Access Networks, the department for Software-based Networks is working on real-time capable, software-based communication platforms. These platforms enable highly customized, nevertheless open mobile broadband networks, such as private campus networks, e.g. for smart production / industry 4.0 or public safety use cases and scenarios.