CampusOS @ IEEE 6G SUMMIT, May 9–10.2023, Dresden
The coordinators of the CampusOS project presented milestones during the 6G Summit in Dresden and set important priorities on the following topics related to the Franco-German ecosystem:
Both lead projects, CampusOS and 5G-OPERA, highlighted the importance of supporting the ecosystem for open and modular campus networks. A key success factor is the demonstration of the expected benefits in campus network pilot applications jointly with the involved industrial partners. This encompasses the validation of the expected 5G/6G network performance benefits for a broad range of use cases with the involved industrial partners as well as operational aspects such as integration with OT and AI platforms.
We are looking forward to the next steps with our CampusOS partners:
Atesio GmbH, BISDN GmbH, Bosch, brown-iposs GmbH, EANTC AG, Fraunhofer FOKUS, GPS GmbH Stuttgart, highstreet technologies, Kubermatic , Node-H GmbH, MUGLER SE, RT Solutions, Rohde & Schwarz, Siemens, Smart Mobile Labs, STILL GmbH, SysEleven GmbH, Deutsche Telekom, Topcon Positioning Systems, Technische Universität Berlin, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
We are in the starting blocks, be excited for the big CampusOS appearance in 2024 @ Hannover Messe.
Our accompanying social media posts are available on LinkedIn, Twitter & Instagram.