CampusOS Plugfest, 23. - 27. October 2023 @ Sience Tech Space at Fraunhofer HHI
The CampusOS Plugfest took place with our project partners at the Sience Tech Space at Fraunhofer HHI from October 23-27 in Berlin.
A key approach of CampusOS is to consolidate an overview of the different technical components used to realize open and modular 5G campus networks. The goal of CampusOS is to provide a catalog of technical building blocks for the realization of specialized campus networks and to develop tools for dimensioning, planning, network management and optimization. For this purpose, existing components are analyzed with regard to performance, scalability, interoperability and security / trustworthiness.
We are pleased to present the following results and highlights from Plugfest.
Our testing objectives were:
The cooperation and involvement of our project partners is the overarching goal to drive the joint progress. We would therefore like to thank the following CampusOS partners in particular: EANTC; highstreet technologies; Kubermatic and Rohde & Schwarz. In addition, we would like to thank the partners of the CampusOS satellite projects: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences; Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences and Xantaro from the MAVERIC project, YUMA Technologie from the 5G++Flexicell project, and Fraunhofer IPK and Werner-von-Siemens-Centre from the CampusDynA project.The next CampusOS Plugfest is scheduled for Q2/2024 and we look forward to sharing more insights on building an ecosystem for open and modular 5G campus networks.
The next CampusOS Plugfest is scheduled for Q2/2024 and we look forward to sharing more insights on building an ecosystem for open and modular 5G campus networks.
We will present the CampusOS ecosystem together with our project partners, the satellite projects as well as the German-French project #5G-Opera at Hannover Messe 2024. Stay tuned for further updates.
The accompanying social media documentation is here available @LinkedIn.