CampusOS Satellite Workshop, June 13, 2023 @ Science Tech Space (Fraunhofer HHI), Berlin
We are pleased about a successful CampusOS workshop with our application partners that took place on June 13 with about 60 project partners, the DLR project management organization and the BMWK in the Science Tech Space at Fraunhofer HHI in Berlin.
The focus of the national flagship project CampusOS is the development of an ecosystem and a technology building block for modular 5G campus networks based on open radio technologies and interoperable network components.
Joint interactive workshop sessions around the building blocks catalog, badging, blueprints, reference architectures and impetus for joint white papers as well as planning for Hannover Messe 2024, were the focus of the meeting.
Following the workshops, the following live demos were shown:
We thank our satellite projects KliNet5G, 5G++Flexicell, O5G-N-IoT, CampusDynA, TICCTEC and MAVERIC for the stimulating discussions on these topics to build an ecosystem for open 5G campus networks and we are looking forward to the next joint project progress.
Prof. Dr. Slawomir Stanczak from the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute - Fraunhofer HHI and Prof. Dr. Thomas Magedanz from the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS are coordinating the CampusOS project. CampusOS is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action for a period of three years.
We are looking forward to the next milestones with our CampusOS partners:
Atesio GmbH, BISDN GmbH, Bosch, brown-iposs GmbH, EANTC AG, Fraunhofer FOKUS, GPS GmbH Stuttgart, highstreet technologies, Kubermatic , Node-H GmbH, MUGLER SE, RT Solutions, Rohde & Schwarz, Siemens, Smart Mobile Labs, STILL GmbH, SysEleven GmbH, Deutsche Telekom, Topcon Positioning Systems, Technische Universität Berlin, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Check out latest CampusOS video.
The accompanying social media posts can be found on LinkedIn & Twitter.